Mempro™ Cell-Based Peptide Fragments of Water-soluble Proteins Production


Based on the comprehensive membrane protein production platform established through many years of experience, Creative Biostructure can provide tailored Mempro™ cell-based peptide fragments of water-soluble proteins production services.

It is described that peptide fragments of water-soluble proteins are a large group of peptides, which consist of ten families, including peptides of STE5 protein, prion protein peptides, peptides of viral protein R, peptides of huntingtin, peptides of lactotransferrin, amyloidogenic peptide of phosphatase, peptides of antifreeze protein, peptides of superoxide dismutase, hemocyanin-derived peptides and peptides of DNA-binding proteins. For instance, viral protein R (Vpr) is human immunodeficiency virus type 1, which is a 14-kDa protein with 96 amino acid residues and is very crucial in the regulation of nuclear import of the HIV-1 pre-integration complex. Another member from peptide fragments of water-soluble proteins superfamily, amyloidogenic peptide of phosphatase, is in close association with Alzheimer's disease (AD) that is the accumulation of the amyloid-beta (Aβ) peptide in the form of amyloid plaques.

Mempro™ Cell-Based Peptide Fragments of Water-soluble Proteins Production
Figure 1. The structural model of Major prion protein, peptide 173-195. (OPM Database)

Creative Biostructure can provide various strategies for high-quality Mempro™ cell-based peptide fragments of water-soluble proteins production, including: 

• Mempro™ Peptide Fragments of Water-soluble Proteins Production in Insect Cells System
Insect cells such as Sf9, Sf21 and High Five, are the major used host for eukaryotic membrane protein expression. Mempro™ protein expression by insect cells system offers you the enhancement of expression and reduction of the truncated proteins, and easy to perform scale up the high-yield production.

• Mempro™ Peptide Fragments of Water-soluble Proteins Production in Mammalian Cells System
Creative Biostructure can provide Mempro™ protein production in mammalian cells system. Cell lines derived from HeLa, COS, BHK-21, CHO, and HEK293 are widely used to express membrane proteins. This system facilitates the membrane proteins performing correct folding and post-translational modifications and maintaining the best structural and functional properties.

• Mempro™ Peptide Fragments of Water-soluble Proteins Production in Bacterial Cells System
Escherichia coli (E. coli) is the most powerful bacterial host for membrane protein production, providing multiple options for the optimization of the production protocols. There are two principal strategies can be employed in E. coli, the expression as soluble membrane proteins inserted into the membrane or as inclusion bodies representing cytoplasmic aggregates.

• Mempro™ Peptide Fragments of Water-soluble Proteins Production in Yeast Cells System
Single-celled yeast cells (such as saccharomyces cerevisiae and pichia pastoris), are perfect eukaryotic hosts with following advantages: high cell densities, fast growth rates, economic media.

Creative Biostructure can also provide Mempro™ plant-based virus-like particles (VLPs) production services, Mempro™ animal-free recombinant protein production services and Mempro™ membrane protein production services. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed quote.

F. Junge, et al. (2008) Large-scale production of functional membrane proteins. Cellular and molecular life sciences, 65 (11): 1729-1755.
S. P. Braithwaite, et al. (2012). Protein phosphatases and Alzheimer's disease. Prog. Mol. Biol. Transl. Sci., 106: 343-379.

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